First Visit

The first visit to the dentist can be particularly nerve-racking for a parent. We try hard to make sure that your child’s visit is comfortable, easy and a natural part of growing up.

With patient, simple explanations, and gentle skilled hands, we introduce our patients to dentistry in a way that has a profound effect on their lifelong healthy dental habits.

In the first visit we examine the hard and soft tissue of the mouth and surrounding areas. We clean and apply a topical fluoride to your child's teeth. If needed, x-rays may be taken to determine your child's present dental condition.

If your child is an infant or toddler, we may ask you to assist us by holding your child on your lap while we complete our exam. If this is the first dental visit for your child, you may find it helpful to give a very brief and simple explanation, such as, "Tomorrow you will be seeing the dentist who is going to check your teeth. The dentist and her helpers will tell you all about what they will be doing." Parents are cautioned not to over explain what will or will not be done. We ask that you do not make any specific promises to your child you may be unable to keep. It is also important your child does not sense any anxiety you may be feeling about this visit.

Try not to use words like hurt, pain, drill, fill, pull, shot or needle.

To schedule your child’s first visit, please call 530-343-3137 or click here to contact us.

To find out about our payment options click here.

First Visit
First Visit 2